CNA thanks all the attendees, presenters, and MCs that made our Virtual Conference 2022 so successful.
Day One saw the amazing Karen Stockman lead us through World Café and Marketplace. Two open conference exercises that lead to some excellent networking and collaborations.
The table talk was hot - sharing ideas, problems, opportunities and introducing people and groups to each other.
Day Two brought us three vastly different topics that had the questions pouring in through the chat. Some answered by other attendees on the fly, and all addressed by our Experts.
With great aplomb MC Michael Macaulay:
We also launched CNA's jewel in the crown - Tick For Governance (which you can look up on this website).
A huge thank you to Caelan Huntress of Stellar Platforms who produced the two day event for CNA on Bramble. It was scary to introduce new tech weeks before our conference but everyone loved it!
Conference Resources:
All recordings are available on our YouTube channel. You can find them at the links below:
Amanda Reid - The Impact of Technology on the Workplace
Sue Barker - The Incorporated Society Bill and You
Panel - The Local Government Review
Governor- General Dame Cindy Kiro opens launch of CNA's Tick for Governance course
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