Remember that RNZ (Radio New Zealand) is the dedicated emergency broadcaster.
Call Healthline for free medical advice about COVID-19: 0800 358 5453.
Government helpline 0800 779 997 and website is also good to contact if you havce questions.
All NZ's current and past COVID-19, vaccination, hospitalisations etc. stattistics in graphs.
Face Covering Exemption Card:
You can request a face covering exemption card from the Disabled Persons Assembly NZ by contacting 04 801 9100 or at
Helplines, agencies and services providing help and support.
United against COVID-19 - Official Government COVID-19 site (Live updates):
Official government information and updates.
Book a vaccine for yourself, change an appointment or find out vaccine information.
Coronavirus and the Law - Common issues and questions | Community Law Aotearoa (Up to date):
Advice on common COVID-19-related legal issues, including employment, income support and benefits, housing and immigration.
Questions about Government Services and Agencies:
Questions about government services and agencies - if you're not sure who to ask/go to, this link will help you!
Information for registered charities about COVID-19 (Updated 20 January 2022)
COVID-19 guidance for social service providers: The COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) guidance for social service providers has been updated to reflect the recent Government announcements of changes to the COVID19 traffic lights system. We will continually revise the framework to ensure this remains current.
General Contact & Support page | Unite Against COVID-19 (Up-to-date):
Find services and contact information if you need COVID-19 support, advice or information.
COVID in the community – Aotearoa e te toa! video series
Health Navigator has produced a series of COVID care videos, in partnership with Northland DHB and the Ministry of Health. These videos discuss topics ranging from vaccination during pregnancy, managing symptoms at home, assessing your breathing rate and reducing infection within your whare.
Guidance for workplaces with staff impacted by COVID-19 (Updated 24 March 2022)
Worksafe: Operating safely – what you need to think about
Worksafe Guidance for workers and employers. This guidance is clear that "implementing or maintaining infectious disease controls remains vital for the health and safety of workers and other people regardless of the traffic light level for your area." .
COVID-19 Information for registered charities | Charities Services (Updated January 2022):
Frequently Asked COVID-19 Questions for registered charities.
COVID-19 and the workplace (reviewed regularly)
Guidance for employees, employers, and businesses around COVID-19 and the workplace, including leave and pay entitlements, and modifying employment agreements.
Employment guide for workers at different COVID-19 traffic light settings (reviewed regularly)
Answers to the frequently asked questions that workers may have at different traffic light settings.
Preparing your household for COVID-19.
Managing the impact of COVID-19 cases at your business/organisation:
Have a plan for COVID-19, particularly the Omicron variant, affecting your workers, suppliers or customers. You want to do everything you can to protect your workplace, workers and community
What to expect if you are self-isolating
RNZ: What do you need in your COVID-19 care kit?
COVID-19 vaccine: Children aged 5 to 11 info (Updated 26 April 2022)
SociaLink held a Zoom to answer vaccination questions from managers in the NFP sector. You can find the notes and resources here. The most important thing mentioned was to undertake a risk assessment to determine when a worker needs to be vaccinated - here is a risk assessment template courtesy of Neighbourhood Support NZ.
Karawhiua is a unifying campaign for whānau, hapū, iwi, and Māori communities to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Factsheet about the vaccine, it's development, safety, effectiveness, where to get it and how it works.
Series of YouTube videos explaining how the vaccine works, safety, side effects, effectiveness, what to expect, supporting older people, etc.
Well-know New Zealanders ask experts questions about the vaccine.
Vaccine FAQs in Pacific languages
Video: Dr Ashely Bloomfield talks about vaccine safety standards
Karawhiua: Protecting whānau is what we do
Brochure encouraging whānau to get vaccinated.
Unite Against COVID-19: NZ Vaccine facts video series.
Outlines what people may feel after the vaccine, what can help side effects and when they might occur.
Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund:
The $40.05 million added to the now $160.00 million Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund will provide whānau in regions around the motu with quick and targeted support in the period to 30 June 2022.
COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme:
This is for when workers and self-employed people need to self -isolate and can’t work from home.
COVID-19 Short-Term Absence Payment:
This is for when a worker or self-employed person needs to self-isolate while they wait for a test result.
Employment New Zealand COVID-19 financial support.
This includes link to LSS and STAP payments, and the latest COVID-19 Support Payment via IRD. has its own information ‘hub’ with guidance specifically for employers and SMEs, including information on the Close Contact Exemption Scheme and Bubble of One scheme.
One-off payments to help individuals pay essential or emergency costs if they can’t pay it another way, eg food. People can check the income limits to see whether they may be able to get financial help.
Getting extra support if you have COVID-19 or are self-isolating
Financial support for individuals and whānau:
Financial support for people whose income has been affected by COVID-19.
Looking after your mental wellbeing:
Resources and help for staying mentally healthy.
Mental Wellbeing Resources For You & Your Workplace:
Digital tools and solutions to help improve wellbeing for individuals and organisations.
Mental Health Foundation: Workplace Wellbeing
Resources to help workplace leaders create work environments where people feel safe, calm, connected and hopeful throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
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