We are heading into a new Government and for many of you, this might be a frightening prospect. However, I want to try to reassure you. More conservative politicians still are human beings, and during the last National led Government we often heard the term Compassionate Conservatives.
I would like to believe that the constant theme of ‘smaller Government’ means that they understand the importance of supporting our sector to do what we do best. Provide services for our communities and those in unfortunate situations. If we are resourced properly to do this, we can take that essential work off Government and in most cases, do it better than any agency in Wellington.
All we need is the resource support and respect from our new Government. I think this idea of supporting us to do the work, we are already doing, (but with sufficient resources) fits perfectly with the ideals of a centre-right government, and I look forward to having positive and welcome conversations with our MPs on this idea.
It was Paula Bennett, after all, who instituted the Community Response Fund after the World Financial Crisis hit us all, and she put a lot of effort into consulting with sector people (including myself) while she was the Minister of Social Development. Let’s hope we see another enlightened Minister in that role, and we are able to work together for everyone’s benefit.
Ngā mihi,
Ros Rice, Executive Officer
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